about me

Name : Josh Hansen
Age : 18 Years
Location : Provo, UT
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E-Mail :

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Sunday, November 25, 2001
I think I am done with this design. If you need some ideas for use on your own, I've got some- If you restrict the main table width to a specific pixel count, you may want to put an image above it with a black edge along the bottom for a logo image, If you want to change the colors, it shouldn't be too hard, that's all for now though. I used CSS to make some of the black borders, it seems to work in IE5 & Mozilla 0.9.5 (I haven't used it, but I think konquerer would render it properly also); If it doesn't work for you though...sorry (yes, like NS4.x, IE4(?), Lynx *LoL*)

Hi, I'm Josh. I drew up this design the other day while I was sitting in my photo class, contemplating failure. I have another design that I drew up, while talking to my friend Pedro. I need to code it up one of these days. :)

I'm extremely tired now, and I've had enough of the crazy poke kids on sorcery. The admin of astral fsck'ed the disks and is now moving it to a different server room. Hopefully it'll come back up and services will run and everything like that... but for now, I am going to sleep.
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Sunday, November 24, 2001
I just got home from Jenny's house. Me, Kj, Jess and Jenny were watching Dead Poets Society, but we all had curfew, so we all left with about 15 minutes left! UGH! Atleast I had people to talk to when I got home. astral.hub.* (the main hub of SN that runs services, mail, and webserver *ack*) went out earlier today, and we are occupying the poke channels to make sure they don't cause trouble or anything.
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